Pinky Paradise Threatening to Sue Blogger

My Pinky Paradise Affiliate Conflict post from earlier this week got quite some attention. "Jason" from Pinky Paradise promised to pay me the portion of the sales that he thinks were generated from my blog. Sounds reasonable enough, right? It was that or nothing so I took that.

He also stated that I can "set up a new account and continue to earn" money from my blog. Thanks, but no thanks. At this point in time, I am glad to have my affiliate account deactivated. Plenty of better companies to work with if I ever get around to searching.

I thought things were good and dandy when I received my payment from Jason. I was threatened to remove any blog post or tweets that mention Pinky Paradise and the whole account deactivation/conflict ordeal. I have no intention of backtracking and erasing my blog post or tweets (people do that?), but I made a mental note to update my readers on the situation and let everyone know that Pinky Paradise did eventually pay. I am not happy with them, but I was no longer going to speak ill of them because I was seriously over it. Maybe if I were feeling generous, I would call the whole thing a simple disagreement.

I thought this mess was over - but received this little treat from Jason today: "Please remove any post about pinkyparadise from your blog and twitter within 48 hours from now. Legal action will be taken if you failed to do so."

First of all, you can't. And what is up with the time constraint? What if I am out of town? Or my computer is broken? Or If I am too darn lazy? And trust me, I am not important enough for people to read my week old tweets. Also, why only my blog and Twitter? I also complained to my family and friends. (I must admit that I am a whiner.) Kindly advise me on how to take my words back.

PinkyParadise Suing Blogger

Jason, threatening affiliates (or ex-affiliates, in this case) will not solve the problem. While I appreciate the fact that you ended up paying me for a portion of the traffic and sales that I generated for you, I do not feel that I owe you anything.

In fact, you should probably consider apologizing to me for your threatening emails. Throughout our email exchanges ever since this disagreement began, you never even thought to apologize. Your threats hurt my feelings and maybe even scarred me emotionally. I hope to get an apology from you within 48 hours.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, and really quite a strange strategy considering they are contacting bloggers everywhere trying to build relationships.

  2. OMG! Thanks for letting us know that. I will never want to work with this kind of people.

    1. I'm glad to be done with them too!

  3. I was going to tweet you to ask you if anything had changed with Pinky Paradise. Will PP demand you prevent your readers from discussing PP in any way?

    1. I cannot and would never prevent my readers from anything. I don't want to blow this out of proportions. I hope they come to their senses and the damage can be minimized.

    2. My question was posed in jest. PP is being ridiculous.

    3. Haha I think I did realize that, but somehow answered anyway!

  4. Are you kidding me? PINKY PARADISE is threatening to sue you? Shouldn't YOU be threatening to sue them? They just keep digging their grave even further.

    1. They think I am trying to hurt their reputation when really, they are doing it themselves.

  5. This is crazy. You did the right thing by disclosing them. I heard about PR companies threatening blogger to remove negative blog posts or to give positive reviews but this is beyond crazy. Be a little mature and give respect to bloggers for God's sake. If you can't work with honest bloggers, do bother working with any of them. I don't understand what kind of 'legal action' can he take when the company is on fault?

    Keep up the good work girl. You have our support!

    1. I believe that whatever 'legal action' they may want to pursue in may not work out in their favor, but I am hope that they don't waste both our times by attempting it. The issue was not too big to begin with, but who knows where they want to take it. I don't have time to deal with any of this.

  6. How can they sue you for being honest on your blog?

    1. I think they are concerned I would hurt their reputation, which is not my intention. I just want to share other affiliates and readers the circumstances of my account deactivation.

  7. Wow. This situation is beyond ridiculous. I think PP should quietly drop it...

    PP, do yourself the favor and don't battle against bloggers or make any further threats. People will soon forget the simple affiliate conflict of the past, but suing a beauty blogger will blow this really out of proportion and leave customers and bloggers bitter. You don't have a bad rep yet, but you WILL get one if you decide to sue. I am a PP customer and plan to continue to be one even after this affiliate problem (since I am not an affiliate). I would be really disappointed in the company if you try to take legal actions.

    If you have NOTHING to hide, then let the blogger be and don't hide it.

    1. I agree with you completely. I don't think what I wrote was damaging to Pinky Paradise. It could serve to caution affiliates to be careful in choosing affiliate programs, but that is about it. One blog post about my experience is read by just some readers and surely won't affect Pinky Paradise's sales - especially since I made no critique about their products.

      I would hate to have to censor myself on my very own blog.

  8. Is there any e-mail i can contact you with? I have a few questions and i dont want to add them here. Thanks
