On not becoming a makeup hoarder in 2012

As much as I love to shop and spend money on things I don't necessarily need, I'm not as much of a hoarder as I may lead you to believe. I try to use things up - or if not, give them away. I have relatives and friends that are more than willing to take up any beauty products I may not use - and I am more than happy to let go. That said, I have a very difficult time giving up things that I love; and being a beauty blogger, I tend to love a lot of things.
Sigma Coupon Code January 2012

In the past month, I've been very adamant about tossing away expired makeup, using up skincare products, not leaving just that bit of orange juice at the bottom of the container, etc. For the most part, things have worked out well: I am now in less danger of makeup poisoning, I've learned to regularly hydrate and take care of my skin, and my family is a lot less disappointed when opening the fridge. All said and done, I am still unhappy with the enormous about of makeup I tote around. Do I constantly need three bronzers, four blushers,  and several shades of pinky nude lipstick? No, I certainly don't. And here's where my 2012 resolution comes into play.

My problem is that:
I have too many makeup and beauty products I can't use up or won't give up. I keep buying more. I keep spending more. I have too much stuff. My bag is too heavy and most of my makeup is going to expire before I even get to use them.

2012 Beauty

What I am going to do about it:
I am going to use up all of my favorite makeup before I buy any new ones this year. Some items are easier to handle than others. My Nvey concealer has already hit pan and my MAC Creme d'nude lipstick is on its final leg. But how can I ever finish up my MAC MSF of Becca blusher? I'm going to give it my best try. And if I can't defeat my desire to splurge before emptying the pans... I'll have to learn to share and give them away for good.

2012 Makeup

So what's the plan?
I am reducing my makeup bag. I am tossing in my all products to use up in one convenient, reasonably sized makeup bag. Everything else will go into storage. Sure, I'll dig into that supply for special events and particularly needy days, but for daily uses, I will only use things in my little makeup bag. That way, I'll be sure to use up the makeup items that have been sitting around for years, waiting to cleared and loved.

Makeup hoarder 2012
Anyone with a resolution involving beauty/makeup? My other resolutions this year involve staying healthy, working out and all of that good stuff, but I'm less convinced I'll be able to pull those off for long.


  1. My resolutions are quite similar to yours! I tried the make up bag thing, the only issue is that you forget what else you have, and you buy dupes.. maybe something to note but otherwise it really works! :D

  2. I definitely need to organise my makeup and stop replacing products unless I've finished them!x

  3. Yu,
    Glad to know it works! I'm not planning to make any purchases in a while, so hopefully everything will work out.

    Never Too Broke For Beauty,
    I LOVE your blog name!

  4. I'm trying to cut down on my beauty purchases..theres just so many great things coming out! Also..i'm a newbie beauty blogger..so I feel like I HAVE to buy new things. I did force myself however to throw away things that were probably expired. I do resolve to actually USE the things I buy and not just buy them to have them.

  5. yep seems to be a lot of ppl's resolution this year :D to use up things ^^

  6. i tend to spend a lot too,
    sometimes i forgot other makeup because their all stored up, so what i'm going to do is to organize my makeup storage, then do a list of all my makeup, then check what i already have :) so i'll just buy what i need and not what i want.

    i'm going to try to finish a product too before buying another one :)

  7. The beauty community has expanded SO quickly in the past years that makeup companies have been releasing makeup like crazy. It's difficult not to get caught up.

  8. well, I don't have any makeup products(except a few nail polishes) as I don't have money to buy :)

    So you can limit the amount of money you spend for one month. At the first week you can think "I will only spend $.. for this month" and at the end you can see how far you were successful, but you have to struggle a lot with your mind to stop buying unnecessary products.

  9. I always purge out my makeup and my NY resolution is to always clean my brushes, moisturize my skin, wear sunscreen & stay active, fit and healthy!

  10. All great resolutions! :)

  11. This is a great resolution. Just a suggestion, why don't you try a blog sale?

  12. I've tried one before, but I have trouble selling my old makeup. I never find them in an appropriate enough condition to present to other people. :/

  13. I use to buy makeup and sometimes never use them. So now I honestly buy just the amount I need and always hit pan before replacing it.

  14. I think every sibgle one of us would like to achieve your resolution. I 'll give it try but I know it's really really difficult to be sooo scrict!
    Happy new year!

  15. Happy New Year, I too want to reduce my makeup collection, especially lipsticks & glosses. I limited the space and containers for makeup storage. I will follow the one-in-one-out rule. Luckily I'm not much into nail products. Hope we all stick to our resolutions in 2012.

  16. Happy New Year, I too want to reduce my makeup collection, especially lipsticks & glosses. I limited the space and containers for makeup storage. I will follow the one-in-one-out rule. Luckily I'm not much into nail products. Hope we all stick to our resolutions in 2012.

  17. Happy New Year, I too want to reduce my makeup collection, especially lipsticks & glosses. I limited the space and containers for makeup storage. I will follow the one-in-one-out rule. Luckily I'm not much into nail products. Hope we all stick to our resolutions in 2012.

  18. I hope you keep us posted on how you do with this resolution.
    Compared to the average beauty-blog reader, I don't have a lot of makeup. Each purchase was well thought out and heavily researched in advance (nerd alert! or a sucker for beautiful product photos?); however, I'm still shocked by what I've accumulated in one year. My purchases in 2011 constitute my entire makeup collection and almost everything fits in my makeup bag. And yet... I find that there are products that I barely touch!

    That irks me.

    I'm going to join you on your resolution to not become a makeup hoarder. I don't think you need to have a large makeup collection before you start thinking about "hoarding". Size is relative. And my collection is plenty big enough for me.

    One thing though -- I'm wondering how you're going to deal with wanting to try things when looking for an HG or near-HG product. I'm still searching for a good concealer. Realistically, I know that even if I do my research, my hunt will involve buying things to try, finding out they don't work for me, and having to buy something else. Is this something you think you will have to deal with?

    (I apologize for the long comment. I think I'm figuring things out for myself as I type.)

  19. I'm the same way, I buy way too much makeup and end up with tons of products I need to use up. My resolution is to just buy makeup for each different season for when they come out with new lines for Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter and only buy staples like mascara, foundation, and glosses in between since those stuff do need to be replaced more often.
