July Handbag Desires

I absolutely adore handbags. I am trying to do a monthly handbags I desire kind of post. I say desire because I just don't deserve these bags. But a girl can always want things and I always want designer bags.

Michael Kors Darrington Distressed Leather Tote - I love distressed leather. The color, design and texture of this bag is just wonderful. I think this new distressed version by Michael Kors was made just for me. Too bad I don't need more bags. If you have not checked this bag out yet, definitely take a look at Saks. It's sweet, sweet eye candy.

Prada Leather Stripes Tote Bag - I have to admit that this is my least favorite of the four. I like the slouch of this bag, but it isn't as appealing to me as it used to be. It was always just something I figure I should get one day in the distant future. Silly Kat, Prada is for grownups.

Balenciaga Giant Part Time - No one does distressed lambskin better than Balenciaga. I have the Giant City in black so it isn't like I need a variation, but the Giant Part Time has always been my ideal. And Balenciaga's anthracite is the most amazing color. I have wanted this bag for so long. I want to tote it around with the handles on my arm while letting the shoulder strap dangle like the celebrities do it. 'Cause you know, that's what cool kids do.

Mulberry Roxanne - I fell in love with this bag as soon as I saw it on Fleur. I love the size, the thick leather and the sturdiness of it. My only complaint is that it does not come with a shoulder strap. I think that this bag can be of a reasonably affordable price if you get it on sale, but I can't even find a place to purchase it in the US. It isn't even listed on the Mulberry website.

Are you a handbag fanatic? What is your ideal bag?


  1. I love designer handbags too! I thought about getting a Balenciaga but it was SO heavy WITHOUT all the crap I carry around... so I decided against it. I still think it's a lovely bag, though.

  2. Yay! Another designer bag lover!

    The giant hardwares definitely make the bag especially heavy. But I live with it because I have a thing for large bulky bags. ^^'

  3. I only wish I could afford designer bags. They are gorgeous picks btw.


  4. I love them, but I couldn't justify the spend. :(

  5. Oh, I can't either. Which is precisely why I just long after them. :)

  6. i love juicy couture! juicy couture!

  7. I love Mulberry. Not a big fan of the Roxanne but I'm currently saving for my Alexa and should have it in a few months...fingers crossed.

    check out my blog and if you like it, i would appreciate a follow.

  8. I love the Alexa bag too! I just did a post on the Alexa. It is a wonderful design, but I have no money for bags at the moment. :( I will have to wait a year or more before doing any designer shopping.

    Thank you for your support! I will be sure to check out your blog.

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